just an simple interview

23.40 WIB . gue belom tidur. ga ada kerjaan jadi ngutak ngatik blog dan akhirnya sampailah pada sebuah keputusan buat nulis new post . sebenernya it's just an simple interview sih , antara gue sama Ms.Mery, guru di english course gue. it's about TIME pertama kita disuru ngelanjutin artikel , dan ini ringkasannya " time is a special thing in our life , and it has a special position in our life. but, we must be aware of our time .when we want to do something we must think it first. so it will has a usage , not the useless. Everyone must appreciate time, because we can't called it back again. i think time is the most wonderful runner in the world. why? because it never stop even for a second. so , everysecond is very important and valueable. so , don't let your time go easily" setelah nulis itu artikel , gue diinterview . dalam bahasa indonesia aja kali yee.. M : sasha, apa arti 24 jam bagimu? S : buat saya 24 jam itu sangat berharga. tapi kadang saya...